
IPv6 Council #13

IPv6 enthusiasts, please find below the details for our next event on April 1st, see you soon! Don’t forget to subscribe on the meetup page to gain access to the event.


12:15 – 13:15 Welcome and sandwich lunch
13:15 – 13:45 ISP IPv6 Updates by Carl Wuyts, Telenet and Marc Neuckens, Proximus
13:45 – 14:15 IPv6 in 5G by Thierry Van de Velde, Nokia

5G networks have now been deployed quite widely at MNOs in a Non Stand Alone mode (as evolution of the Evolved Packet System, with signalling and voice over 4G) and, in around 20 networks, in Stand Alone mode (as 5G System). Although the transition to IPv6 had already started in 4G, with XLAT464 more than with Dual-Stack or DSLite, IPv6 enables a number of new use cases in 5G, both in the EPS and the 5GS. In this session we will address the Session & Service Continuity modes, DHCPv6 for deferred address allocation, Personal IoT Networks and the evolution to Flat 5.5G/6G Networks.

14:15 – 14:35 Routing And Switching IPv4 using an IPv6-only backbone by Bruno Mairlot, Maehdros

IPv4 allocation to small providers can sometimes be very short and requires them to be creative to avoid IP waste. So, when the time had come to rework our backbone, we decided to build it using only IPv6 next-hop and protocols. We integrated IPv4 announces into our IPv6 BGP sessions. The result is a scalable IPv6-only backbone encapsulating all IPv4 routes without wasting any IPv4 address.

15:00 – 15:30 IETF IPv6 News by Eric Vyncke, Cisco and IETF
15:30 – 16:00 IPv6 in Kubernetes/OpenShift update by Pieter Lewyllie, Red Hat

The state of IPv6 has evolved quite a bit in the Kubernetes space over the last two years. We will go over the industry progress and show some options for production support with OpenShift from Red Hat.

16:00 – 16:15 Just Another Measurement of Extension header Survivability (JAMES) by Justin Iurman, University of Liège
16:30 – 17:15 IPv6 architectures on AWS by Alexandra Huides, AWS

We’re going to review how you can design and adopt IPv6 on AWS, scaling up workloads while maintaining backwards compatibility with IPv4.

17:15 Drinks


The Telenet Offices in Mechelen.

For people coming by car. You can make use of the visitor parking, entrance is NOT via Liersesesteenweg (which is the main entrance), but via Caputsteenstraat (signs are present, but sometimes getting ignored 😊).

People coming by train: 10 minutes walk from the Mechelen Nekker train station, be careful not from Mechelen main station (by foot probably 40 mins walk 😊).